History sleeps beneath them all, but only she sees it.

Lafayette Eloi always knew her parents thought differently from others. They kept their books buried beneath her mother’s house. They spoke an old language in the dead of night, whispering behind closed doors and bolted shutters. She grew up in a village where no one was related to her, and she never knew why.
Then, after her mother died, her father came to fetch her. Now she and her mother’s dog assist her father in his work. The work discussed in whispers in the dark. The work that had cost Lafayette so much all her young life.
But now she learns just how much her father’s work means to their entire world. Only no one knows anything about it. Only her father. And only Lafayette.
Because the work that consumed her father’s entire life and her mother’s too now nibbles at the fringes of Lafayette’s own life. And she cannot refuse its call.
PREORDER: Available September 17, 2024 direct from me or October 15, 2024 in stores everywhere.
Available in: eBook (epub and mobi), Paperback, hardcover, and large print
eBook 978-1-958606-96-4
Paperback 978-1-958606-97-1
Hardcover 978-1-958606-98-8
Large Print Paperback 978-1-958606-99-5
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